USSSA Kasch Park Spring League

  • Tournament Date
    Mar 10 - May 16 2025
  • Entry Fee
  • Stature
  • Admission

Tournament Division

Division Entry Fee Gate Fee Max Entries Teams

Event Ballparks

Venue Name Address Maps link
Kasch Park 2300 Kasch Park Rd, Everett, WA, 98204 Open in Maps
Venue Name
Kasch Park
2300 Kasch Park Rd, Everett, WA, 98204

Event Lodging

Note: If you don't know which venue you'll be playing at and want to book in advance, click here to find hotels that are geographically centered between all venues.

Venue Name Address Dates Details
Kasch Park 2300 Kasch Park Rd, Everett, WA, 98204 Mar 10 - May 16 Find Hotels
Venue Name
Kasch Park
2300 Kasch Park Rd, Everett, WA, 98204
Mar 10 - May 16

Event Updates

2025 Kasch Park League Rules

USSSA Washington Everett Parks Adult Slow Pitch Leagues


USSSA Washington reserves the right to change any rule or regulation whenever due cause warrants, i.e. USSSA pertinent rule changes, safety factors, changes in costs, facilities do not meet standards, etc.  If a change is made, all team managers affected by the change will be notified by the League Director.  The athletic staff reserves the right to add any rule or regulation when the addition will benefit the program.  Rules not covered within the booklet will be found in the current USSSA rule book.  It is the team manager’s responsibility to know and understand USSSA and City League Rules, and to inform team members of rules and league requirements.

Rules hi-lighted in “yellow” designates rule change, clarification, or point of emphasis for 2025 season. 

Rule 1


A.  All league business will be conducted through team managers and/or coaches only.

B.  Teams will be registered to play in the USSSA Washington @ Everett Parks softball program upon receipt of league fees, roster and meeting all eligibility requirements.

C.  Teams will be charged a league fee that covers the roster, cost of umpires, field maintenance, lights, game balls, association dues and administration.

Rule 2


A.  All roster changes must be handled through the Washington USSSA State Office.

B.  All teams in the USSSA Adult Slowpitch leagues must register all players on their rosters with the Washington USSSA State Office before they play. All rosters will be put online.  We must have legal name, date of birth, cell number and email address for each player.

C.  All roster information must be completed, and the players must sign the roster waiver in their player account online to be eligible.

D. The Team/Manager/Coach/Player is responsible for supplying proof of team roster and player additions (e.g. carbon copy of roster/player adds form or receipt) in the event of team/player eligibility questions.

E.  Number of Players: A team shall not have more than 20 players registered on the official roster at one time.

F.  To be eligible, a player must be 18 years old and have graduated from high school (or his/her class must have graduated from school).

G. Players may participate on only one (1) USSSA slow-pitch team, per night.

H. Females will NOT be permitted to play on a Men’s team.

I.  Players transferring from one team to another must submit a request to the Washington USSSA State Office prior to participating with a new team. (May only transfer one (1) time).

J.  No players may be added/transferred to a team after a team’s 10thGame.

K. HARDSHIP RULE:  Washington USSSA State Office can authorize the addition of players under a “hardship ruling” at any time during league play.  Factors affecting the ruling will be if a team has played two (2) games with nine players or less or has forfeited at least one (1) game or has eleven (11) players or less available to play on the roster.  The purpose of the hardship rule is to reduce the potential for league forfeits.

L.  All players will be required to carry picture I.D. (e.g. driver’s license with picture). Players must be able to produce I.D. if requested by game official, on-site field supervisor or Program Coordinator. If a player’s identity and proper identification is not available, prior to the completion of the game, the game will be declared a forfeit.

M. Any falsification of roster information or use of illegal players may result in immediate team suspension from the league (no refunds). It is the coaches/managers’ responsibility to know who is on the roster and to confirm their eligibility.

N. Starting in 2025, Players must have an Individual Player Registration to be eligible to play ($25 fee paid through player account).

Rule 3


A.  Game schedules, results and standings will all be online at http://www.usssa.com/slowpitch/event_gameCenter/?eventID=401443

B.  Game times will be scheduled as the following:

1. Monday through Friday evening scheduled games:
*  6:15 p.m. (Grace period allowed)
   7:20 p.m.
   8:25 p.m.
   9:30 p.m.

      Game times may vary. With fewer teams, games may start at 6:30 pm, 7:45pm & 9:00 pm

C.  All games shall consist of seven (7) full innings with the following exceptions:

1. No new inning will begin after one (1) hour (60) minutes of play on all games. All games EXCEPT Playoff games, CAN end in a tie. Game official watch is the official time.

2. A game shall be completed if the time has expired, regardless of the number of innings played.

3. MERCY RULE:  The game is considered complete and over when a team leads by at least:

·        20 runs after three innings (2 ½ if the home team leads), or

·        15 runs after four innings (3 ½ if the home team leads), or

·        10 runs after five innings (4 ½ innings if the home team leads)

4. If an Equalizer Point System is used. Runs will not count towards the run rule or Flip Flop Rule. Also, Home team will remain as the game schedule reads.

5. If a game is called due to rain or darkness, it shall be complete after four (4) full innings.

D. NO grace period allowed. Exception: If your game starts at 6:15pm, there will be a 10-minute grace period if either team doesn’t have the appropriate number of players (8 players needed to start a game). When both teams have 8 players, the game must start. Game start time will be adjusted. The “no new inning” after one (1) hour and ten (10) minutes will start at the new adjusted time. Example: Game starts at 6:22pm because of late arriving players, no new innings will start after 7:32 pm.

E. INJURY TIME:  If an injury occurs during a game, the official game clock will continue to run for up to two (2) minutes.  If the injured player has not recovered or has not been removed from the field after two (2) minutes, the game clock will stop at that point.  If an injury occurs that is obviously very serious in nature and will take some time to resolve, the game clock will stop immediately and begin at the discretion of the game official.  A game may not be called due to an injury, unless team does not have enough players to continue.

F. 30 minute Rule: When teams are scheduled a doubleheader against each other, and if the first game of doubleheader is a forfeit for lack of players, the second game will start 30 minutes after the start of first scheduled game. This rule only applies to teams who are scheduled to play each other.

G. The International Tie Breaker System will be used after the time limit expires or the beginning of the eighth (8) inning (PLAYOFFS ONLY).

     International Tie Breaker System: The start of the first extra inning begins with the last player who batted (may or may not be last out) in the previous inning on 2ndbase, with no outs. This procedure will continue for any subsequent extra inning(s) until the winner of the game is determined.

H. All leagues will use the “FLIP-FLOP” Rule:  In the 3rd inning and beyond, when the run rule is exceeded and the home team is losing, the home team will remain at bat and become the visiting team.  If the team (new visiting team) does not score enough runs to reduce the run difference below the run rule the game is over. If they reduce the difference below the run rule, then the new home team will bat.  If they score enough runs in the bottom of the inning to exceed the run rule, the game will be over, if not, the game will continue under this format. If the situation reverses, teams would flip/flop again.

I.  Teams will be required to “hustle” on and off the field between innings to conserve time.  It is IMPORTANT that team managers consistently encourage their players to hustle.

Rule 4


DUGOUT RULE: Only team managers, coaches, players and team scorekeepers will be allowed in the dugouts.  (No spectators or non-rostered players allowed). 

A.  A team must have a minimum of eight (8) players to start and finish a game. All games must start on time if both teams have at least eight (8) players.

B.  If your team starts the game with 8 or 9 players, you may add players arriving late any time during the game to equal 10 players. Once your team reaches 10 players and it is after the first pitch of the third inning, any new player(s) will be added by the regular substitution rule. (See the Official Rule Book for USSSA).

D. Mixed only:

1. A defensive team of ten (10) players shall have at least four (4) women, teams may NOT play with 6 men in the field.  If you do not have five (5) men, teams may use women in their place.  If playing with 6 Men and 4 Women you can only have 9 players in the field (5 Men and 4 Women).

2.  There is no designated placement for players in defensive positions.

3.  Exception: Teams will be allowed to play with nine (9) players; five (5) men and four (4) women. (See Rule 6, Batting C, page 6).

E.  Courtesy Runners

1.  Each team may use one (1) courtesy runner (one time) per inning.

     No “gentleman” agreements for additional courtesy runners.

2.  Any player in the lineup can be the courtesy runner.

Penalty: If the courtesy runner is on base when it is their time to bat, it will be an out as the runner cannot be replaced  .

F.  Courtesy Runners (Coed only)

1.  Courtesy runners will be allowed for one (1) male and one (1) female per inning.  No “gentleman” agreements for additional courtesy runners.

2.  Males will run for males, females will run for females.

3. Any player in the lineup can be the courtesy runner.

Penalty: If the courtesy runner is on base when it is their time to bat, it will be an out as the runner cannot be replaced  .

 G. Player Eligibility for Playoffs:

1.  All players must play a minimum of three (3) league games, with one team, to be eligible to play in league playoffs.

Rule 5


A.  Pitching Height: The ball must be delivered with an arc and at three feet from the point of release, while not exceeding a maximum height of 10 feet from the ground.

B.  All Leagues: In any game, the pitcher will have the option of pitching from the standard 50 foot plate, or from any point up to 6 feet behind the pitching plate that is within the width of the existing pitching plate. All pitching rules that apply to the pitcher’s actions before and during the release of the pitch (with the exception of the pivot foot being in contact with the pitching plate), along with the restrictions on height, speed, etc., shall remain in effect.

C.  Warm – Up Pitches:

1.  Each pitcher will receive 3 warm-up pitches to start the game.

2.  After the start of game, pitchers will receive only 1 warm-up pitch.
Exception: New pitchers will receive 3 warm-up pitches.

D. The pitcher has five (5) seconds to deliver the pitch.

E.  USSSA umpired games will not use a verbal “illegal pitch”.  

F.  Please see USSSA Rule Book for further regulations for pitching.


Rule 6


A.  Each team shall exchange lineups, as soon as possible, prior to the beginning of the game.

B.  A team may list up to 20 batters if they choose.

C.  Mixed leagues only:

1.  The batting line-up shall be on an alternating basis starting with either gender.  The league format is 5 Men and 5 Women BUT you may play with 4 women and 6 men, but you need to rotate the women throughout the batting order in sequence.  You can never bat 2 male players back-to-back without recording an automatic out in between them. You can play more Women than the minimum without penalty.  Teams may NOT play with 6 men in the field.  If playing with 6 Men and 4 Women you can only have 9 players in the field (5 Men and 4 Women).

2.  Teams may use a rotating line-up to incorporate extra batters of either gender.  No outs will be called for playing “shorthanded”, i.e. “Guys Line-Up and Ladies Line-Up”.

 D. Mixed leagues only: If a pitcher walks a male batter (intentional or not), he will be awarded 2nd base.  The female following male batter will be required to bat.  Exception: with two (2) outs, up until the first pitch, the female has the option to walk or bat.

E.  Any player arriving after the first pitch of the third inning must enter the game by the regulation substitution method, unless playing shorthanded.

F.  Teams may drop down to eight (8) players anytime during the game. The first player may drop with no penalty. If you start with 8 you take 1 automatic out in the 9th spot.  If you start with 9 players you do NOT take an automatic out in the 10th spot.  Exception: When a player is ejected from a game, and the team doesn’t have a substitute for the ejected player’s batting position, an out will be called each time the vacated position comes up. Every player dropped afterward will be an out in the batting order.

 G.  The batter will have ten (10) seconds to enter the batter’s box.  A strike will be called for failure to take their position. If the batter still does not enter the box, they will be called out.

H. On – Deck Batters:

1.  Each team will be allowed to have one (1) on-deck batter. *(maximum of 2 base coaches)

2.  On-deck batter may not have more than two (2) warm up bats.

3.  Teams must remove all bats from playing area after their turn at bat.
*Warning 1st offense—2nd offense next batter will be called out.

 I.  League 3-2 Count Rule (USSSA):

1.  Each batter will be allowed three (3) balls and two (2) strikes.

2.  Each batter will receive one (1) extra foul ball, after two (2) strikes. There will be a courtesy Foul.

 J.  Bat Throwing:  with the safety of all individuals involved the following rules will go into effect.

1.  Any player that unintentionally throws their bat will be warned on 1st offense, with possible removal from game.  See Athletic Code of Conduct.

2.  Any player that intentionally throws their bat will be ejected.

This is a judgment decision by the game official. NO PROTESTS/APPEALS WILL BE ALLOWED!



Rule 7


A.  Home Run Limits:(untouched, over-the-fence)                

Men’s Leagues:                                                             3 per game, then Inning Ending Out

  Mixed (Coed):                                            3 per game (per gender), then Inning Ending Out

Mixed (Coed) Low Level                                 1 per game (per gender), then Inning Ending Out

         If your league/division has cross over games against a lower level team, the home run rule will be the lower level limits.                   

B.  Progressive means that once both teams have reached the limit above, that no team may be more than one (1) home run ahead of the other team. An out will be the penalty for any untouched over-the-fence home run hit that puts a team two (2) ahead of their opponent (after both teams have reached the above limits).  HOME TEAM will NOT be allowed to go one (1) up during their last at bats unless BOTH teams were tied going into the top of the 7th inning.

C. Home Run Rule:  On a home run hit over the fence, base runners do NOT have to touch the base they are advancing to. Both runners and batter can go directly to the dugout without touching a base.

D. “You hit‘em, you git ‘em” Rule: Team hitting home runs/foul balls over the fence will be responsible to retrieve said ball. Penalty: The team at bat must replace ball prior to the next batter; if the ball is not replaced, an out will be called on your next batter. Penalty may carry over to the next inning.

Rule 8


A.    Casual profanity pertains to expletives and verbal unsportsmanlike language not necessarily directed at officials or opposing players but are most likely a player uttering them out of frustration. This type of behavior is penalized by “outs” being declared against the offending team.

1st Offense:  Verbal Warning will be issued to player and team.  After warning, the following will be used:

1.  If the team is at bat and unsportsmanlike words are used, the next batter will be declared out.

2.  If the act is committed by a player remaining at bat, he/she will be called out.

3.  If the act is committed by the defensive team, the first person to bat in the next inning will be declared out.

4.  The outs will be treated as a delayed dead ball situation.

5.  If the violation occurs in the bottom of the last inning, where the fielding team may not bat again, the ejection rule will be applied. If a team has an eligible substitute, they can continue the game.

6.  A game may be ended by a casual profanity out.

 B.  All other verbal unsportsmanlike language directed at game officials or opposing players will warrant an ejection.


Rule 9



Welcome to the Adult Sports Program sponsored by USSSA Washington State. This program is offered for your enjoyment therefore, your cooperation and sportsmanship is essential to the overall success of the program. All players, coaches, managers and spectators are expected to act in an acceptable manner during the entire program. USSSA Washington State reserves the right to take any disciplinary action it deems appropriate against players, coaches, managers and spectators not acting in an acceptable manner, including, but not limited to suspension from games, expulsion from the park and participation in any future programs. The benefit a participant derives from this program depends very much on adherence to accepted standards of behavior.

 These definitions provide information and direction to participants regarding standards of behavior, as well as consequences of participant/team misconduct.

 Each Participant is expected to do the following:

Demonstrate courtesy, even when others do not

Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-discipline

Respect the rights and privileges of other participants and staff.

Respect City of Everett property and the property of others.

Cooperate with and assist the staff in maintaining safety, order, and discipline.

Respect the game officials even when you may not agree with their calls.

Respect Parks Department staff and facility rules and regulations being enforced.

Be mindful of your conduct.  Make sure that no action occurs that could reflect adversely on your sponsor or team. 

 Unacceptable behaviors include the following:

 Failure to conform to City of Everett rules, regulations and ordinances.

Being involved in an instance of any form of insubordination.

Use of profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures.

Defacing and/or damaging City property or the property of others.

Engaging in inappropriate physical or verbal contact.

Running, pushing, shoving, littering, or throwing objects (which are not part of the supervised activity).

Involvement with drugs, alcohol, or weapons.

Inappropriate action of even one player can reflect upon your entire team.



Athletic Code of Conduct


 LEVEL I                      

Minimum Penalty: Verbal warning, official may remove individual from game.

Maximum Penalty: Ejection from current game, plus one (1) game suspension and probation for remainder of season.

Team Penalty:  If two (2) or more participants are involved from the same team, then the game will be forfeited by that team.  The participants and/or team involved will be penalized as noted above.

 No Participant Shall:

 LEVEL II                    

Minimum Penalty: Ejection from current game, plus one (1) game suspension and probation for remainder of season. 

Maximum Penalty: Suspension from league, including events on City of Everett property (team and/or individual) and probation for one (1) year and/or assault charges filed.

Team Penalty:  If two (2) or more participants are involved from the same team, then the game is forfeited by that team.  The participants and/or team involved will be penalized as noted above.

 No Participant Shall:

 LEVEL III                  

Minimum Penalty: Suspension from league events on City of Everett property (team and/or individual) and probation for one (1) year and/or assault charges filed.

Maximum Penalty: Suspension from all Everett Parks Department activities, including events on City of Everett property, for one (1) year (team and/or individual), probation for two (2) additional years and/or assault charges filed.

Team Penalty:  If two (2) or more participants are involved from the same team, then the game will be forfeited by that team.  The participants and/or team involved will be penalized as noted above.

 No Participant Shall:

 LEVEL IV                  

 Minimum Penalty: Suspension from all Everett Parks Department activities, including events on City of Everett property, for one (1) year (team and/or individual), probation for two (2) additional years and/or assault charges filed.

Maximum Penalty: Life suspension from all Everett Parks Department activities, including events on City of Everett property, and/or assault charges filed.

Team Penalty: If two (2) or more participants are involved from the same team, then the game will be forfeited by that team.  The participants and/or team involved will be penalized as noted above.

 No Participant Shall:


If a player is ejected during the game the suspension is for the remainder of the current game and the team’s next scheduled game.

 Suspended participants must remove themselves immediately (2 minutes clause) from the confines of the contest area (park or gym), or the area as designated by the site supervisor.

 If the suspended participant does not remove themselves immediately, their teammates or coaches are responsible for their removal, or a forfeit will be called.

 TWO (2) MINUTE CLAUSE: Two (2) minutes shall be allowed for the suspended participant(s) to remove themselves from the designated playing area (park or gym). If this time limit is not met, then the game will be forfeited to the opponent.

 A suspended participant is not allowed to attend any game for that period of which he/she is suspended.  The participant must remain off the premises for that period, or a forfeit will be called.

 Participants suspended from one Everett league team will result in a suspension for all other City of Everett Leagues, i.e. if you play on more than one team, you will be suspended from all other teams within the city.


 Managers will be responsible for seeing that all their players and spectators know and abide by the rules/regulations and Athletic Code of Conduct, before, during and after games.

 Managers shall be the official representative of the team and spectators unless he/she designates one of the players as the team captain prior to the game.  Only the manager and/or designated team captain may discuss a call or decision made by the official(s).

 Team penalties may be imposed if multiple individuals, from the same team, violate this code of conduct.  Remember games can be forfeited for Level I-IV code violations.

 Managers/Coaches must be willing to provide first and last name(s) of individuals when asked by City Staff and/or Game Officials.

 Managers/Coaches may also have penalties imposed on them for their team’s/player’s actions.


 Any and all situations not specifically covered in the Athletic Code of Conduct, shall be acted upon by the game official(s), site supervisor(s), league supervisor, or other City Staff.  All such actions shall be the basis for similar situations and such rulings shall be final and become part of, Athletic Code of Conduct.

 Any participant, who incurs an indebtedness to the City of Everett or USSSA Washington State (returned checks, failure to pay league fees, failure to return City equipment, imbursement of damage, or other forms where money is owed to the City) and does not correct this matter within a prescribed time period will be suspended from all City of Everett/USSSA Washington State activities until corrected.

 Any Code of Conduct suspension will be forwarded to all national governing bodies covering City of Everett Leagues (USSSA).  Any/all participants suspended from City of Everett league play may be subject to suspension from all USSSA leagues and tournaments.

 Participants, who feel justified in appealing any decision that pertains to the Athletic Code of Conduct, must abide by the decision at the time of enforcement.  Participant(s) may submit, no later than 24 hours after the incident, a protest, in written form (email ok), to league coordinator.

By signing the team roster all players, coaches, and managers attest that they have read and understand this Athletic Code of Conduct. They further agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.

 The USSSA Washington State Office, City of Everett Parks, Recreation and Community Services works hard to offer fun and competitive recreation sport leagues as a service and need for our community.  We will not tolerate individuals or teams jeopardizing our commitment to this service.


Rule 10


A forfeited game shall be declared by the game official in favor of the team not at fault in the following cases:

A.  Any team not able to take the field at the scheduled game time.

B.  If the team appears with less than eight (8) players at the time scheduled.

C.  Violation of rules as set forth by the USSSA Washington State Office.

D.  In the opinion of the game official, a manager does not have complete control of his/her team.

E. Continued harassment of game official(s) and/or staff.

F.  Any team forfeiting three (3) games during the regular season will be precluded from further participation. The team’s league fee will not be refunded.

G. Any team forfeiting a game during the league playoffs will be automatically dropped to loser’s bracket.

H. In the event of game forfeiture, teams may use the field (including infield) for practice. Teams must vacate field 10 minutes prior to next game scheduled.

I. The score of a forfeited game will be recorded as 7-0.

J.  Other cases subject to forfeit are stated in the USSSA Official Rule Book.

NOTE: Any team forfeiting a game will automatically lose any

Tiebreaker to decide final league standings.


Rule 11

PROTESTS-Rule Interpretation

A.  A protest MUST BE announced to the field supervisor and game official before the next pitch following the incident.  (The game time will continue to run during the protest process).

B.  After a protest is announced, the game official will stop the game and fill out an “Incident Report” Form documenting the rule interpretation being protested.  Both managers and the game official will sign the form.

C.  A formal protest in writing must be filed by email within 24 hours with the USSSA Washington State office.  A $25 fee will be assessed to the team filing the protest.

D. Failure to submit a written protest and $25.00 within 24 hours will result in cancellation of any filed protest at the game site.

E.  If the protest is granted or declared valid, the $25.00 will be refunded. Should the protest be rejected, the $25.00 is automatically forfeited to the league.

F. During tournament play all protests will be resolved at the point of infraction by the onsite league director and game official. Game must not resume until league director/on-site supervisor gives the authority.

G. Protests will not be accepted after the completion of the game.  Once the game official has left field of play, the game will be considered complete.

H. Only protest of a rule interpretation will be accepted.  A protest will not be considered on a judgment call (i.e. safe or out, fair or foul, balls and strikes, etc.).


Rule 12

PROTEST-Player Eligibility

A.    If a manager believes a player is illegal, he/she must announce the player protest no later than first pitch of third (3) inning, or when said player(s) is added to the lineup.

B.    Time must be called. 

C.    Manager shall request the game official ask the player(s) in question to produce proper picture I.D.

D.    If the player cannot provide I.D. acceptable to the game official, the said player(s) will have until the end of the game to provide proper I.D.  If no I.D. is available by the end of the game, the game official will declare the game a forfeit.

E.    If a proper I.D. is submitted, the said player’s name shall be verified using the team’s roster, the following business day by league director. If the said player’s name does not appear on the roster, the game is an automatic forfeit.

F.     Additionally, the use of illegal players may result in immediate team suspension from the league (no refunds).

G.    All illegal player issues shall affect only the game in which the matter was raised.  Protests will not be retroactive.


Rule 13


A.  Fields: Games may be scheduled at Kasch Park Park Fields #1 - 4.

B.  Double First Base: The City of Everett uses the double first base for all leagues in order to protect our participants.  The rule will be that if the batter-runner is attempting to reach first base and there is a play at first base (force out only) the runner must use the outside base (orange) and the defensive player must use the inside base (white).  A violation by the runner will result in an automatic out being called and a violation by the fielder will result in an automatic safe call for the runner.  Note: If the act is determined to be flagrant, the offender shall be ejected.

     Exceptions to this rule are:

1.    On an errant thrown ball that places the fielder into foul ground, the fielder and the batter-runner has the option of using either base.  Note: This includes overthrows where the fielder is coming from foul ground.

2.   On a ball that is thrown from the foul side of first base, the fielder and the batter-runner has the option of using either base.

C.    Mixed Leagues will be required to use the Commitment and Scoring Line. 


Rule 14


A.  Game Ball:

1. THE HOME TEAM will be responsible for providing a new game ball (league will provide prior to league play starting).

2. The Home team will be required to provide the back-up game ball. The ball must be the same type as the league-approved ball.

     If designated home team cannot provide the approved league ball, the visiting team will become the home team, provided they can furnish the appropriate league approved ball.

3. Game official will use their judgement for deciding which ball to use during the game.

4. Official Game Ball:

Men’s Play:              BadenClassic M SB .40 COR 325 PSI

Women’s Play:         Baden Classic W SB .44 COR 400 PSI
Mixed Play:              Uses men’s and women’s ball specifications

 B.   Softball Bats:

Beginning with the 2025 season, all Everett Adult Softball Leagues must use the current guidelines for USSSA legal bats.  Everett softball leagues no longer allow “grandfathered” bats for use in league play.

All Leagues must use USSSA approved bats.  All softball bats must meet current standards. STARTING IN 2025 ALL BATS MUST BE 240 BATS WITH THE USSSA STAMP ON IT.

 Penalty: If a player comes to the plate with an unapproved bat, batter will be called out.  Bat must be removed from game.  If team/player brings an unapproved bat again to the plate, the player who brings the bat to the plate, will be ejected from game and an out be given.


1. Team uniforms are not required.  Players’ attire should be appropriate to the safe play of the game.

2.  Shoes must be worn, METAL CLEATS ARE NOT PERMITTED; plastic cleats and rubber all-purpose soled shoes may be worn. Players wearing metal cleats must immediately remove them and cannot continue play until he/she is wearing appropriate shoes.

Rule 15


A.  During inclement weather, i.e. rain, electrical storms, etc., the field maintenance staff, field supervisors and game officials’ judgment will be used for determining the continuation of the game.

B.  In case of rain, the decision whether to play or not will be made at 4:00 p.m. 

An email will be sent out to all players and coaches notifying of any change.

Everett Parks does NOT have a rainout line you can call

     In the eventuality that your game is postponed due to weather conditions, including a wet, muddy field, it is imperative that teams do not play practice games. Further use of the field will result in more extensive damage to the field thus making rehabilitation of the field more difficult and possibly resulting in postponements of games the following day. Cooperation of all teams is required!

C.  If a game is cancelled because of inclement weather, it shall be rescheduled by the Washington USSSA State Office.

 The City of Everett Parks, Recreation and Community Services staff will have the ultimate decision during inclement weather.

 Thunder and Lightning Disturbance Guidelines:

1.    When thunder is heard, or a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen, the thunderstorm is close enough to strike your location with lightning.  Suspend play and take shelter immediately.

2.   Thirty-minute Rule: Once play has been suspended, wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard or flash of lightning is witnessed prior to resuming play.

3.   Any subsequent thunder being heard or lightning seen after the beginning of the 30-minute count, reset the clock and another 30-minute count should begin.


“If you see it, flee it: if you can hear it, clear it.”

 Rule 16


A.  League standings will be kept to determine playoff seedings for end of season tournament.

B.  Standings will be updated daily.

C.  The following tiebreaker format will be used for teams that are tied in the standings at end of the regular season.

Note: Any team forfeiting a game will automatically lose any tiebreaker to decide final league standings.

1.  Winner in head-to-head competition

2. Average Runs Allowed

3. Average Run Differential

4. Win/Loss record in common opponent games

5. Run Differential in common opponent games

6. Run Differential in overall competition

7. Team with the least amount of forfeits

8. A coin flip if teams are eligible for playoffs

           Note:  Run Differential will not be used for youth sports tie breakers.


Rule 17


Washington State Slo-pitch Umpires Association (WSSUA) will officiate the Adult Softball Program.

If team manager/coach is satisfied or dissatisfied with the performance of a game official, the manager/coach is requested to file, inwriting, specific complaints or suggestions to Washington USSSA State Office.  The Office Coordinator and WSSUA Umpire-In-Chief will then review these comments. After review, if further action is warranted, Washington USSSA State Office will take necessary action.

In the event of an Umpire “no show”:

Please call:

USSSA Games: WSSUA Umpire Assigner, Sam Long at (206) 999-7683

State the date, time, location, and field number. The assigner will attempt to get another umpire to complete any additional games.

Rule 18


At this time, the Washington USSSA State Office will not use Field Coordinators or Scorekeepers: 


A.   The Home team book will be the official scorekeeper for each game played on their scheduled field.

B.   Both teams will be required to provide batting line up to the opposing team, no later than 10 minutes prior to start of game.  Line up must include first and last name of players in the batting line up and all players who may play in the game (substitutions).

C.   BOTH teams need to report their scores to the Washington USSSA State office by email ([email protected]) or text to 206-789-9133.

                                                                                                  Rule 19


A.   Open Container Law: It is illegal to possess an open container of alcohol or marijuana, or to consume either, in a public place under RCW 66.44.100 and RCW 69.50.445.  Please see the Athletic Code of Conduct, Level I.

B.    Insurance Coverage: Washington State USSSA assumes no legal responsibility for personal injuries or thefts of private property while on or using City facilities.  Each individual and/or group is encouraged to provide their own personal liability insurance for cases where injuries or thefts occur. When all rules and regulations are strictly followed, the potential of injury still exists.  Involvement in softball activity is done at the participants’ own risk.  The manager is responsible for notifying sponsor(s) and all individual players on his/her team of this fact.

C.    SMOKING is not permitted on the playing field.  Please use dugouts, spectator areas, or parking lots. Exception: Use of tobacco products are prohibited while youth activities are scheduled.

D.    Music from Dugouts/Bleachers:

Teams will be allowed to play music from dugouts and bleacher areas.  However, if any words are inappropriate and/or the volume is turned up, and causes any disruption to the game, game officials and field supervisors have the authority to use their judgment and ask teams/individuals to turn down or turn off the music.  Please be courteous of the people around the ball fields.

E. BLOOD Rule: Any player or coach who is bleeding or who has blood on his/her uniform shall be prohibited from participating further until appropriate treatment can be administered and the bloodied uniform replaced.

     1. The game clock will not stop unless the injury is determined to be serious.

     2. The player will be allowed to return to the game once the bleeding has been stopped and bandaged sufficiently.  Subject to REGULAR SUBSTITUTION RULES.

F.  Avoid Contact Rule:

1. There is NO mandatory sliding rule.  Sliding is done at the player’s own risk. There is no “down or get out of the way” rule.

2. Refer to USSSA Rule book for interference rule.

G. PARKING: USSSA Washington State and the City of Everett Parks, Recreation and Community Services are not responsible for the safety or security of any personal property brought to the park.

Please follow the advice of local and state Police Departments regarding vehicle theft prevention. Don’t make it easy for car theft prowlers. Please remember to conceal your valuables, (wallets, purses, handbags, cameras, etc.) out of view or leave them at home. Please help by following these simple steps. Thank You!!

H. First Aid Kit: It is recommended that each team supplies its own first aid kits for each game.

I.  PRE-GAME WARM UP: Teams may have pre-game batting practice at Kasch Park Ballfields only under these circumstances:

1. Parks Maintenance Staff not working on the Infield.

2. The Batter must be located in foul territory of the Infield.

3. The Pitcher must be located in the Infield (stay off the grass).

4. Pitcher/Batter must be on the dirt part of the Infield.

5.  Absolutely no Batting Practice from the grass areas of the Field.

6. Hitting softballs into fences is prohibited (using whiffle/tennis balls will be allowed).

Batting practice cannot take place around home plate or pitching mound.

Please save the prepped fields for game time.

    In the event of game forfeiture, teams may use the field (including infield) for practice. Teams must vacate field 10 minutes prior to next game scheduled.

J. Rule Format/Rule Revisions:

     Individuals who wish to suggest or recommend a rule/format revision or an amendment to existing rules, may do so by sending your request to the Washington USSSA State Office.

L.      The Washington USSSA State Office has the authority to make rulings on any and all dealings regarding this league. All decisions are final.

Non-Discrimination Notice

The City of Everett prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability in its services, programs, activities or use of facilities.


Strojan Kennison, USSSA State Director
Matt Gregory, USSSA Washington U-I-C

Paul Schukar, Washington USSSA State League Director

PHONE:  (206) 789-9133         

Email:  [email protected]



February 12, 2025 - 01:26pm


For more information in regards to this event, please contact:

Washington State Office

[email protected]



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